ABBYY FineReader Professional | 165.28 MB
ABBYY FineReader 9.0 delivers superior accuracy in converting almost any type of documents, including various office documents, tables and spreadsheets, magazine articles, books, and even faxes and digital photographs. With its new ADRT™, an Adaptive Document Recognition Technology, FineReader is capable to recognize not only the text and basic layout of document images, but the logical structure of a document across multiple pages.
The key features of ABBYY FineReader 9.0 include:
* Superior recognition accuracy and layout retention
* Re-creation of document logical structure and formatting
* Multilingual document recognition
* Results-driven interface – Unmatched ease of use and productivity
* Digital camera OCR
* Accurate, fast and secure PDF conversion
* Instant screenshot OCR
* Direct export to a variety of applications
* Corporate and Site Lisence Editions for networked environments, automated and scheduled processing
What’s New in ABBYY FineReader 9.0:
Based on a breakthrough new recognition platform with Adaptive Document Recognition Technology (ADRT™), ABBYY FineReader 9.0 is intelligent enough to automatically deliver editable files in native document formatting. It has been also enhanced with second-generation Digital Camera OCR, and offers enhanced task-driven processing, new output formats, and support for Microsoft® Windows Vista® and Microsoft Office 2007. In addition, FineReader 9.0 improves recognition accuracy by up to 35 percent* and layout retention by 32 percent* compared to the previous generation of the software.
The new version also focuses on superior usability. The all-new Results-Driven user interface maximizes usability and efficiency through straightforward user guidance, anticipation of a user’s logical next step, and a 40 percent* reduction in the number of required mouse clicks to accomplish a task.
Operating System: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista
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